Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Stranger than Fiction

"Stranger than Fiction" is a funny film following a boring and regimented man who works for the IRS. As he performs his daily menial tasks he begins hearing narration of his own life. The film progresses as he attempts to determine who is doing the narration and begins to examine his own life at the same time. Working as an IRS auditor has few perks and some funny scenes ensue as he attempts to perform a job that he begins to realize has very little appeal to him. Will Ferrell's interactions with his fellow castmates is right on and all of the performances are believable and revealing. It's amazing to see the correlation between film and writing and the depth of study into literature and writers is excellent. This film shows an appealing humanity and smart humor that everyone will enjoy.


Anonymous said...

I want to see this, but will not read your review for fear of spoilers

Anonymous said...

Definitely going to see this one. I've heard good reviews, but your endorsement cements it for me.

Anonymous said...

Saw it, and agree with the five cats [still avoiding the review for some strang reason].